Monday, March 27, 2006

Sunday in the Park

Not really in the park, this flock spent a pleasant day on a hill overlooking beautiful downtown Oakland. A nice outing for them and a delightfully short drive for us.

The Flamingess received an email from one of the two expectant moms about the new baby announcement delivered Friday:
Thank you so much for this. It was FABULOUS! People have been stopping and honking and literally driving around the block to get another look. Our entire family has been to the house to see the decorations. My parents were sad to see that everything was gone this morning but were elated about the presentation.
I love hearing from my customers!!


Jennifer said...

omg! i LOVE the flamingo idea!!!!!! i love pink, as you could probably tell from my blog... so i love this idea!!!! so cute and creative!!!! looks like a blast!

sage said...

the JC's here use to do this... they did our yard once and my daughter wanted to keep the pink birds instead of having me to pay the extortion to have them removed. She may have my blue eyes, but she got her taste from her mother.