Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yay!! SARK's new book arrived!

Juicy Pens Thirsty Paper arrived on my doorstep yesterday evening. I got the package open but all I managed to do was admire the cover art until just about 10 minutes ago.

In spite of giving us the night off by leaving a display of hearts and stars to languish an extra night I still ended up staying up until 2:00 am watching the men's all-round gymnastics competition. Then it was up at 5:30am so I could wash down enough coffee to let me make it to the golf course safely by 6:30. This is the first time all year that my golf buddies and I didn't put the first footprints on the dewy greens. One twosome ahead of us - hmmph! I played pretty good (for me) although my putter wasn't overly cooperative. We finished just in time to make it to the WBE networking meeting.

After the meeting, it was back to the warehouse to change vehicles, pick up DBFA and head up the hill to retrieve the delayed display. Then down the hill with a stop at the grocery store and then back home again. Put away the groceries, sort through the mail and (TMI moment coming) I had a chance to grab the book and spend a few minutes reading in the bathroom. I am going to love it.

How can anyone resist the colors, the open style and pure flowing joy on every page. It's even fun to read the table of contents. Now I have to put it down, finish this post, eat my lunch salad (with walnuts, almonds and craisins - yum!) and get myself down to the shop to finish painting the last of four 190" long banners for the Santa Cruz Port District. Work before pleasure. Not really, work is a pleasure but I have a new book and I want to play with that.

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